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Leveling the Global Playing Field: Publishers and Libraries Working Together

Concurrent 6C: Leveling the Global Playing Field: Publishers and Libraries Working Together

Many publishers have been making available, under special terms and conditions, access to their publications to developing countries. This good work has had its successes as well as its challenges of cultures, technologies, and readiness to utilize the resources. An International Network for the Availability of Scientific representative will describe the Principles of Engagement that have been drafted and shared with publishers for buy-in. Then, three panelists will describe the partnerships from their vantage point. Questions will be raised: What does it cost to start such a partnership? What have been the publishers’ concerns going in? Does information “leak” unduly? What happens as countries’ income rises and publishers think the institutions are ready to pay their way? How can publishers aid the transition? Since many publishers are involved in various developing nations programs, there will be lively stories to share during the session and afterwards. Perhaps we can together find ways forward to improve further the situation for researchers and students in the South.