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Metrics 2.0 – It’s about Time…..and People

Concurrent 1C: Metrics 2.0 – It’s about Time……and People

Alternative metrics are gaining attention as new companies focus on more timely and granular measures of a wider range of products created by researchers.  At the same time that article level metrics are being offered by PLoS and COUNTER, ORCID is launching the ability to clearly and consistently identify an author’s work.  Current metrics at the journal level which historically have been the unit of sale serve the publisher and editors. This next generation of metrics will open the door to new opportunities that allow us to assess the impact of authors and their work. How do these metrics affect the authors and what do they mean to the institutions and labs where they work?  What will be the impact on the journal economy of broadening the scope of metrics? How will they be implemented? Which are valid measures? This area is ripe for discussion.

Moderator: Judy Luther, Informed Strategies