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Sustaining the Knowledge Commons: Economics of Transition to Open Access

Concurrent 5D: Sustaining the Knowledge Commons: Economics of Transition to Open Access

Sustaining the Knowledge Commons is a research program designed to facilitate the economics of transition of scholarly publishing from subscriptions purchase to open access. The Resource Requirements project explores what small scholar-led journals need to survive and thrive in an open access future. A longitudinal study of the open access article processing charges approach used by a minority of fully open access journals is designed to identify trends as well as to support analysis of potential models for support for open access. Today, more than 10 percent of the journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals have an impact factor and about 10 percent of the journals with impact factor are (DOAJ) journals. This session will present highlights of the research to date; most likely to be of interest to society journals aiming to secure a healthy future in the open access environment. The audience is encouraged to bring questions about their own journals. Sustaining the Knowledge Commons is funded through a Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Councils Insight Development Grant.