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The Rise of Networked Information

Lee Rainie, Director of the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, will discuss the latest findings of the Project about how people use technology to gather, share, and create information. He will describe trends in the use of broadband, mobile devices (including tablet computers and ebook-readers), and social networks to learn about their world and share their own stories about it.

He will explore how the world of networked individuals who create networked information has disrupted and added to the process of building knowledge and disseminating. Academic publishers, like all media companies, have had to adjust to the world where knowledge is portable, personalized, participatory, and embedded in new social processes. It is a world where every journal article and every book can be described as a “start up” that fosters conversation and collaboration and more material. Lee will also describe the Project’s new research findings related to libraries and their role in people’s lives.