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08.30.2018 | SSP News & Releases

2018 SSP Webinar Preview: Linked Databases: Publishing Research Data

The Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) will offer a webinar titled, Linked Databases: Publishing Research Data, on September 18, 2018, from 11:00 AM – Noon Eastern Time.

Registration for the event remains open with a discount available for SSP members.

As reproducibility is an important concern in scientific research, many publishers are starting to require authors to link their data and the resources used in their research to public databases. In this webinar, the panelists will discuss some examples of how publishers have successfully implemented this and best practices to encourage broader participation.

Jennifer Landsberg, Product Manager at Cell Press/Elsevier, will moderate the event, and is joined on the panel by Wouter Haak, VP Research Data Management, Elsevier and Anita Bandrowski, PhD, Principal Investigator, UCSD, Founder and CEO of SciCrunch Inc.

Jennifer took the time to answer questions about the event:

Who is the intended audience for this webinar and why should they attend?
If you are interested in reproducibility of scientific research, you should attend to hear about why it’s important for data to be publicly accessible and linked to research.

Why do you think this topic is important and timely?
Reproducibility is a major concern in the scientific community, so it’s important for publishers to help by making it clearer exactly what data or what compounds were used to produce the results we publish.

What do the selected speakers bring to the discussion?
The speakers bring different perspectives: One speaker is from the publisher’s perspective and the other from the database’s perspective.

What do you hope attendees will take away from the webinar?
I hope attendees can see that this is something that other publishers can take action on. Requesting or requiring linked data in the papers we publish is important to the community.

Click here to register now.

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