Now available to the community via Open Access. You can read the full-text online.
The GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing, sponsored by SSP, is hosted by the Masters of Professional Studies in Publishing program, within the College of Professional Studies at The George Washington University. This student-managed publication is an open-access resource publishing articles, case studies, and conference presentations from scholars, students, and publishing professionals on topics including diversity and inclusion, accessibility, peer review, open access, sustainability, publishing metrics, equity, and other aspects and issues of ethics in publishing.
In the “Publisher’s Note” to Volume 1, Issue 1 of JEP, John W. Warren, Director and Associate Professor, MPS in Publishing at GWU, describes the reasons to launch such a journal in hopes of contributing to the publishing field. “The three overarching goals, as I began to contemplate the idea of launching a new journal focused on ethics and publishing, were to provide a forum for students in GW’s Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Publishing program to publish their Ethics in Publishing capstone projects; offer our program’s students an opportunity for hands-on experience managing a professional-level journal; and involve the wider community of publishing and library professionals and scholars in the effort, as board members, peer reviewers, authors, and readers.”
Growing out of the GW Ethics in Publishing Conference, which relaunched as a virtual event in 2020 and 2021, JEP focuses on five main types of articles: research articles and case studies on ethical issues in publishing applied articles exploring ways of “making the world better,” invited editorials, reviews of relevant media and resources, and presentations from the conference.
Editor-in-Chief, Randy Townsend, speaking in his Editorial adds, “The first published content in the GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing marks the starting line for conversations that shape the publishing industry. The idea of a student-run journal focused on publishing ethics is an exciting concept that speaks to several key areas supporting the industry. The complexity of issues that feed into misconduct and questionable behavior are often hidden behind the walls of confidentiality and historic taboos that deconstruct the publisher’s brand reputation. In recent years, publishers have become more comfortable sharing experiences and agreeing on practices that present consistent interpretations of scenarios and a framework for thinking through circumstances introduced into evolving landscapes.”
Acknowledging SSP’s involvement, he continues, “The early support from the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) demonstrates an unwavering commitment from the publishing community that is invaluable. Access and exposure position the students and contributors to expand networks, connect with industry leaders, and have conversations that advance the way in which we safeguard content.”
SSP supports the work of the GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing through mentorship of SSP members with GW publishing students; guest posts authored by GW students and faculty involved with the journal in The Scholarly Kitchen; and potential programming opportunities to highlight journal content and/or the student experience at the SSP annual meeting, webinars, or regional events.
Other scholarly articles in this issue include, “The Ethical Imperative of the University Press,” by Peter Berkery and Annette Windhorn of AUPresses; and “Addressing the Continued Circulation of Retracted Research as a Design Problem,” by Nathan D. Woods (University of Lethbridge), Jodi Schneider (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), and the Reducing the Inadvertent Spread of Retracted Science (RISRS) project team
The inaugural issue of the GW Journal of Ethics in Publishing is now available! The entire issue can be read online at Explore their most recent Call for Papers!
News contribution by SSP member, Michael Groth. Mike is Director of Marketing at KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd.
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