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08.17.2022 | SSP News & Releases

SSP and ALPSP Announce Search for New Learned Publishing North American Editor

August 17, 2022 – The Society for Scholarly Publishing is looking for a new North American Editor for the journal, Learned Publishing, to begin in February 2023. This is an opportunity for someone to engage with original research in the field of scholarly publishing and apply their own expertise to one of the leading journals in this niche area, working in collaboration with Laura Dormer, who will take up the Editor-in-Chief position in November.

The North American Editor of Learned Publishing works closely with the Editor-in-Chief to commission and evaluate articles and to raise the visibility of the journal within their networks. The North American editor helps the Editor-in-Chief to ensure balanced and interesting issues and to agree and implement the journal’s editorial strategy. The appointment of a North American Editor is made by SSP in agreement with ALPSP.

Over the past 7 years, the journal has developed into a high-impact vehicle for publishing research whilst remaining an important platform for industry knowledge, updates, and opinions. The role of the North American Editor provides a unique opportunity to work with authors to help bridge the gap between the publishing professional and academic worlds and to ensure that the journal remains relevant to both communities.

This position requires a wide knowledge of scholarly publishing and the ability to work collaboratively in making good and timely judgments on the quality of submissions. All candidates should be familiar with peer review, editorial workflows, and ethics. Experience in a journal editing role would be an advantage but is not a requirement.

The position is offered as a 3-year honorarium role (February 1, 2023-January 31, 2026), which can be extended once upon mutual agreement. In addition to the $6000 annual honorarium, travel funds and other resources are available. Candidates do not need to be SSP members to apply, but membership is required to serve in this role if selected.

The job description is below.

For further information:

Please contact Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, Chair of the Learned Publishing North American Editor Search Task Force, Society for Scholarly Publishing (lisalibrarian@gmail.com) or Melanie Dolechek, Executive Director of the Society for Scholarly Publishing (mdolechek@sspnet.org).

To apply, send a cover letter addressing relevant interest and experience, resume/CV, and contact information for two references to info@sspnet.org by the close of business on Friday, September 16, 2022.

SSP is committed to equal opportunity and diversity. We value the differences that diverse contributions bring to an organization and believe that diversity and inclusivity are key drivers of our Society’s effectiveness. All qualified applicants, including historically excluded individuals, protected veterans, women, and individuals with disabilities, are encouraged to apply.


The North American Editor of Learned Publishing works closely with the UK-based Editor-in-Chief to commission and evaluate articles, and to raise the visibility of the journal within their networks. The North American editor helps the Editor-in-Chief to ensure balanced and interesting issues, and to agree and implement the journal’s editorial strategy. The appointment of a North American Editor is made by SSP in agreement with ALPSP.


Editorial duties

  • To write an editorial or commission an editorial for each alternate issue, delivering according to the schedule
  • To solicit high-level contributions to the Journal, particularly from North American authors – meeting speakers, authors of interesting articles or postings, and other contacts (note that an invitation should not constitute a promise to publish)
  • It is anticipated the North American Editor will provide leads/introductions for approximately 10 potential articles each year
  • To suggest authors and help the Editor-in-Chief in ensuring sufficient copyflow of articles so that the journal issues are produced on time
  • To review articles as requested
  • It is anticipated that the North American Editor will be required to review 8 articles each year
  • To take responsibility for the peer review of allocated articles (identifying and inviting reviewers, evaluating reports, and making preliminary decisions)
  • It is anticipated that at least 4 articles per year will be allocated to the North American Editor
  • Keep the Editor-in-Chief informed of all invitations and offers to write from North American and other authors initiated by the North American Editor in order that these may be centrally logged and followed up
  • To provide editorial advice to Editor-in-Chief as requested

Strategic input

  • To provide advice and guidance on “hot topics” and areas where the journal should be publishing
  • To agree on suitable quality standards and ensure, with the Editor-in-Chief, that adequate quality assurance systems (review) are in place
  • To recommend suitable members of the Editorial Board, particularly (but not exclusively) from North America


  • To have quarterly phone/video conference calls with the Editor-in-Chief
  • To attend the Editorial Board meetings (during the SSP and ALPSP conferences)
  • To liaise with SSP to organize an annual Editorial Board meeting (open to all Editorial Board members) at the SSP’s annual meeting; invite Editorial Board members, draw up and circulate agenda and other papers in consultation with the Editor-in-Chief

Promotional duties

  • To actively promote the journal to business networks
  • To use social media to promote the journal
  • To inform the Publisher of suitable meetings and other opportunities at which the journal may be promoted
  • To coordinate the promotion of new issues through SSP’s various online marketing channels.
  • Advise ALPSP staff and Wiley on North American marketing and other relevant business aspects of the Journal

Knowledge and skills required/preferred

The North American Editor must demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the following:

  • The broad scholarly publishing landscape
  • Editorial and publishing ethics
  • Editing and editorial duties
  • Editorial office workflows

Familiarity with at least some of the following is also preferred:

  • Bibliometrics
  • Publishing business models, including open access and subscription
  • Copyright and other legal issues
  • Society publishing
  • Publishing technologies
  • Book publishing and other media
  • Peer review and other editorial initiatives
  • Preprints and other scholarly communication models
  • Authors and authorship
  • The differences in scholarly publishing around the world, including different types of publishers and the impact of different environments (economic, social, etc.)
  • Networks of suitable reviewers
  • Conflict of interest and other ethical issues

Attention to detail, confidence in decision-making, ability to work independently and collaboratively, excellent communication, writing, editing skills, and networking and outreach skills are also required.

To apply, send a cover letter addressing relevant interest and experience, resume/CV, and contact information for two references to info@sspnet.org by the close of business on Friday, September 16, 2022.

About the Society for Scholarly Publishing The Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP), founded in 1978, is a nonprofit organization formed to promote and advance communication among all sectors of the scholarly publication community through networking, information dissemination, and facilitation of new developments in the field. SSP members represent all aspects of scholarly publishing—including publishers, printers, e-products developers, technical service providers, librarians, and editors. SSP members come from a wide range of large and small commercial and nonprofit organizations. They meet at SSP’s annual meetings, educational seminars, and regional events to hear the latest trends from respected colleagues and discuss common and mutual (and sometimes divergent) goals and viewpoints.

Contact Melanie Dolechek, Executive Director | info@sspnet.org | 303-422-3914

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