2012 SSP 34th Annual Meeting “Social, Mobile, Agile, Global: Are You Ready?”
Seminar 02 – Applying Unique Identifiers to Understand and Establish Influence
Pre-Meeting Seminar
Applying Unique Identifiers to Understand and Establish Influence
Euan Adie, Altmetric LLP
Euan Adie is the founder of Altmetric, a data science start up based in London that helps publishers, funders and institutions explore the wider online impact of their work. Before that he was a senior product manager at Nature Publishing Group, where he looked after products ranging from an online reference manager to NPG’s mobile apps. Originally a computer scientist, Euan became interested in STM publishing and the concept of post-publication review after working as a bioinformatics researcher at the University of Edinburgh. Between 2005 and 2009 he ran postgenomic.com, which aggregated blog posts written by life scientists about published scholarly articles.
Gregory Gordon, Social Science Electronic Publishing, Inc.
Gregory J. Gordon is President and CEO of Social Science Research Network (SSRN), a leading multi-disciplinary online repository of working and accepted paper research in the social sciences and humanities. Currently the number two repository in the world, SSRN provides a variety of electronic distribution and related services to help scholars create innovative research. SSRN is focused on the high quality, rapid, electronic delivery of scholarly research at the lowest possible cost. More importantly, SSRN is working with scholars to find innovative ways to reduce the researchers time finding relevant material, provide easy access interdisciplinary content, and accelerate the cycle of research. Its eLibrary database has close to 400,000 papers from over 180,000 authors and users have downloaded over 52,000,000 full text papers since inception. Prior to helping Michael C. Jensen found SSRN in 1994, he worked at KPMG and two entrepreneurial companies in technology and health care. Gregg speaks and writes regularly about scholarly research and the changes needed to create innovative research faster.
Ellen Rotenberg, Thomson Reuters
Ellen Rotenberg is a Senior Manager, Product Innovation for the Scientific and Scholarly Research business of Thomson Reuters. She is responsible for the development of new products and solutions to improve productivity for the global academic and government research market. Ellen has played a key role in initiatives related to scholarly author identity (ResearcherID) and attribution as well as web service and API access to Web of Knowledge content. She has a Masters in Bioinformatics from the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia.
Laurel Haak, ORCID
Laurel L. Haak (Laure), PhD, is the Executive Director of ORCID, an international and interdisciplinary non-profit organization dedicated to providing the technical infrastructure to generate and maintain unique and persistent identifiers for researchers and scholars. Dr. Haak earned a BS and MS in Biology at Stanford University, completed her PhD in neuroscience at Stanford University Medical School, and conducted postdoctoral research at the National Institutes of Health. Following postdoctoral work, she served as editor of Science Magazine’s NextWave Postdoc Network, a weekly publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Dr. Haak was a program officer at the National Academies, where she directed workforce policy studies on international students, interdisciplinary research, women faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and innovation policy. She also served as Chief Science Officer at Discovery Logic, a Thomson Reuters business, where she provided research evaluation and policy expertise and was responsible for strategic partnerships.