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2006 SSP 28th Annual Meeting

08-Concurrent 1A: China Opening Up


Adrian Stanley
Adrian Stanley, CEO of Charlesworth USA has been working closely with North American publishers, societies and organizations to help develop sales and marketing programs and strategies for China and Hong Kong. As part of these initiatives Adrian and Charlesworth have implemented National Online agreements in China for more than 650 journals. Prior to opening Charlesworth’s US office in 2004, Adrian was based in Beijing China for 4 years from 2000, setting up and developing Charlesworth’s China operation, leading edge composition workflows and China rights and licensing sales and marketing activities. Charlesworth now have more then 200 staff working on the ground in China, as well as a thriving UK operation.
Sally Morris
Mark Robertson
Yan Shuai
Mr. Yan Shuai graduated from Beijing Forestry University in 1985 with a bachelor degree in forestry economics and management. In 2003 he got a PhD in management from Beijing Forestry University. He had worked in the Journal Publishing Department of Beijing Forestry University from 1985 to 2011, from an assistant technical editor of the Journal of Beijing Forestry University to the director of the Department which publishes 5 journals (the other four are: Journal of Beijing Forestry University (Social Sciences), Forestry Education in China, Forestry Studies in China (English), Chinese Birds (English)). Since March of 2011 he began to work with Tsinghua University Press (TUP) as its associate chief editor and director of Journal Publishing. The journals published by TUP now include Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) (Chinese with English Abstract), Tsinghua Science and Technology (English), Nano Research (English), Building Simulation (English), Computer Education (Chinese), Science-Technology & Publication. Yan has been the president of Society of China University Journals (CUJS) since 2004.