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2006 SSP 28th Annual Meeting

10-Concurrent 1C: Hanging Together in an Increasingly Complex Multi-Format


Alix Vance
Alix Vance is Principal of Architrave Consulting, where she specializes in business development, operational assessment, and digital/data strategies for commercial and nonprofit organizations within and beyond the information industries. Earlier in her career, Alix was President of Paratext, Executive Director at CQ Press and SAGE, and Vice President of Business Development at Ebook Library. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Society for Scholarly Publishing, serves on the Editorial Board of Learned Publishing, co-authors the Webby Award-nominated blog, The Scholarly Kitchen, and holds a Master’s Degree in Social Work. Developing Metrics Dashboards to Drive Strategy and Create More Persuasive Marketing Campaigns is a seminar Alix will be presenting to organizations in Washington DC and other locations (Fall/Winter 2010). For more information: www.architraveconsulting.com or info@architraveconsulting.com
Geoffery DUP Bilder
Cindy Hill
Cindy Hill manages the Digital Libraries & Research group of the Sun Learning Services practice. For more than a decade, this team has been transforming its services and resources into a globally accessible digital center for information, knowledge, and collaboration. The team has piloted many innovative programs, including a corporate electronic bookstore; several e-book initiatives; and an information discovery process in partnership with Groxis, IEEE, EBSCO, NetLibrary, and the Association for Computing Machinery. They are currently exploring the Web 2.0 evolution by having a group blog, launching a podcast series, and venturing into the virtual world through their avatars in SecondLife. Soon they will be on YouTube. Cindy was president in 2003-2004 of the Special Libraries Association, an international association of more than 12,000 information professionals.
Roy Tennant