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A Day in the Life of a Librarian: The evolving expertise and skills of the “new academic librarian”

September 17, 2015, American Geophysical Union (AGU), Washington, DC

“It’s time for young, new librarians to kick us old folks out of the way!” Quoth a friend and long time corporate/academic librarian. Indeed, the skills and expertise required to be a successful academic librarian have changed since many librarians received their MLS degrees 20-25 years ago. Despite relatively few changes to the average MLS curriculum, new academic librarians often bring the skills and savvy of digital natives — fluency with social media, new technology, and IT know how. This panel will examine how academic librarianship is changing and evolving rendering old skill sets obsolete and requiring new fluencies and competencies for success. Speakers will particularly address how this next generation of academic librarians will influence negotiation, product development, and communication with publishers and other information/service/content providers.


  • Sara Rouhi, Product Sales Manager, Altmetric
  • Janice Krueger, Associate Professor, Clarion University of PA


  • Dr. Marilyn Kay Harhai, Professor, Clarion University of PA
  • Stacey Marien, Acquisitions Librarian, American
  • Rachel Borchardt, Science Librarian, American University
  • Peter Catlin, Reference Librarian, University of Mary Washington