Tuesday, October 27, 2015 from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Eastern Time
The advent of digital and online publication has made possible unprecedented opportunities to track and measure the life and real-world impact of published research. It has also made possible confusing, and sometimes misleading metrics. While there is widespread dissatisfaction with the Impact Factor, do any of the new alternative metrics (“altmetrics”) truly offer alternative ways of gauging research quality and impact? Or are these tools valuable in different ways? How are they being used, and what do research institutions and funders think of them? How are researchers taking advantage of them?
- David Crotty, Oxford University Press
- Phill Jones, Head of Publisher Outreach, Digital Science
- Diana Hicks, Professor in the School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Techonology
- Robin Chin Roemer, Instructional Design and Outreach Services Librarian, University of Washington Libraries