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Charleston Conference – SSP Joint Webinar

Here Come the Data

February 5, 2020 | 2 pm EST

Scholarly publications are becoming just as valued for their data as for their conclusions–data that must be curated and corroborated by processes very new to peer review and publication workflows. These challenges bring new opportunities and new costs to the scholarly publishing ecosystem. Join us for a discussion of changing roles and expectations in the Data Publication Epoch. What new outcomes do funders expect from publishers as they increase their influence in publishing? How are libraries preparing authors to make their research data available? How are publishers and repositories managing the changes to the publishing workflow?


  • Jeff Lang, Assistant Director, Platform Development, American Chemical Society


  • Ian Bruno, Head of Strategic Partnerships, The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC)
  • Thu-Mai Christian, Assistant Director for Archives, The Odum Institute, University of North Carolina
  • Ariel Deardorff, Data Services Librarian, UCSF Library, Data Science Initiative