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SSP Philadelphia Regional Event December 2018

Wednesday, December 5, 2018
University of Pennsylvania Van Pelt Library, Class of 1978 Pavilion
Philadelphia, PA

From science and medicine to the humanities and social sciences, researchers and publishers strive to be more inclusive and avoid bias.  This SSP session considers the ways in which researchers think about different populations, cultures, and voices as they build their studies across many disciplines.  We know that learning about other cultures as one does in anthropology allows a person to better appreciate their own subconscious biases, thereby enabling a more worldly and comprehensive perspective in their own work. The upcoming panelists will discuss not only the research they perform today, but also the challenges as well as the biases they’ve overcome to achieve success.

To quote the American Anthropological Association, “Anthropology is the study of humans, past, and present. To understand the full sweep and complexity of cultures across all of human history, anthropology draws and builds upon knowledge from the social and biological sciences as well as the humanities and physical sciences.”  If you haven’t studied anthropology (and even if you have), this session will help open up discussion about these foundational concepts to all that we do.


Christen Pruitt, Business Development Manager at Wiley
Sarah Wipperman, Penn Librarian and Anthropologist
Monique Renee Scott, Bryn Mawr Library – Director of Museum Studies – PhD in Anthropology
Lee Ann Elliott Westman, Associate Teaching Professor, Rutgers-Camden
Mike Jones, Annual Reviews