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UKSG | Pre-Conference Seminar (2019)

‘We’re Not Who We Used to Be’:
Shifting Relationship Dynamics and Imbalances in an Open Access World

Sunday, 7 April 2019
1:00-5:00 pm
Telford International Centre

As some parts of the world push towards a fully gold OA publishing ecosystem, we will explore how the changing landscape of mandates and business models is affecting (and how it will continue to affect) the relationships and collaboration between all stakeholders, old and new. As we seek to ensure inclusion, diversification, and ‘openness’ in its broadest sense, yet arguably still exist in an environment that features imbalances of representation and visibility of impact, how will these interrelationships evolve in a predominantly gold-OA world? What needs to be done to redress imbalances where they exist? With representation from publishers, libraries, funders, intermediaries and the author-researcher community itself, we will provide analysis and case studies about how roles and interrelationships across the scholarly community have adapted–and will continue to change. Practical actions and recommendations will be shared for reflection in support of future planning through a mix of presentations and roundtable discussions.


Ann Michael, CEO, Delta Think and Past President of SSP


  • Titia van der Werf, Senior Program Officer, OCLC
  • Rob Johnson, Director, Research Consulting Limited
  • Jess Wade, Researcher, Imperial College London
  • Rachael Lammey, Head of Community Outreach, CrossRef
  • Matthijs van Otegem – Erasmus University, Rotterdam and Chair of Open Access Working Group, LIBER
  • Marion Boland – Head of Research Policy, Science Foundation Ireland
  • Shelly Allen – Head of Open Research, Emerald Publishing

Titia van der Werf is a Senior Program Officer in OCLC Research based in OCLC’s Leiden office. Titia coordinates and extends OCLC Research work throughout Europe and has special responsibilities for interactions with OCLC Research Library Partners in Europe. She is a well-known manager in the library and archive sector and a leader in the strategic application of information technology in academic institutions. She has policy, research and service development experience, mostly in the area of networked information and digital preservation. Prior to joining OCLC Research in January 2012, Titia was the deputy director of the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam, responsible for collections and digital infrastructure. 


Rob Johnson is the Founder and Director of Research Consulting, a mission-driven business which works to improve the effectiveness and impact of research and scholarly communication.  Rob began his career with KPMG, the international professional services firm, and spent four years as Head of Research Operations at the University of Nottingham, UK.  Since founding Research Consulting in early 2013, he has worked on more than 80 projects in the field of scholarly communication, serving universities, funders, publishers, vendors and software suppliers.  Rob is the lead author of the 2018 STM Report and a member of the consortium tasked with monitoring the transition to open access in the UK.

Jess Wade is an excitable scientist with an enthusiasm for equality. She has been involved in several projects to improve gender inclusion in science, as well as encouraging more young people to study science and engineering. Jess has won several awards for her work, including the IOP Daphne Jackson Medal and Prize (2018). She is on the Council of the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) and Women in Science & Engineering (WISE) Young Women’s Board. In 2017 Jess was the UK representative on a US State Department International Visitor Leadership Program, traveling across America for a month looking at initiatives to recruit and retain women in the STEM disciplines. She also co-led the UK Team at the 2017 International Conference for Women in Physics. She is a keen Wikipedian, and is helping to upload the biographies of women, LGBTQ+ and POC scientists – creating one every day in 2018.

Rachael Lammey  joined Crossref in 2012. She worked in Product Management at Crossref before moving over to the Member & Community Outreach team in 2016 to coordinate Crossref’s international outreach. She also works on other Crossref outreach surrounding preprints, content registration, data citation and is involved in community initiatives such as Metadata 2020, and ROR (Research Organization Registry Community).

Matthijs van Otegem is director of the University Library at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He received his MA in Book & Information Science at the University of Amsterdam and his PhD in philosophy at Utrecht University. In 2002 he joined the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands. After twelve years in various positions he took up his current position as director of the library at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is board member of LIBER – the European Research Library Association – and chair of the LIBER Open Access Working group.

Dr. Marion Boland Dr Marion Boland is the Head of Research Policy at Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), a statutory body in the Republic of Ireland with responsibility for funding oriented basic and applied research in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics with a strategic focus. Marion manages a diverse portfolio of policy related areas, including Open Science, Data management, Research Integrity, Grant Terms & Conditions and SFI’s Gender Strategy. Prior to this, Marion was Head of Post Award, having joined SFI as a Scientific Programme Manager in May 2009. Marion holds a Ph.D. from the Institute of Cancer Research/University of London, and was a career scientist prior to joining SFI. 


Ann Michael is CEO of Delta Think, a business and technology consulting and advisory firm focused on strategy and innovation in scholarly communications. Ann is an ardent believer in data informed decision-making and was instrumental in the 2017 launch of the Delta Think Open Access Data & Analytics Tool (OA DAT). Ann is a Past President of the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP), a Board Officer for the National Federation for Advanced Information Services (NFAIS), a Board Director at Joule (a Canadian Medical Association company), a frequent organizer and speaker at industry conferences, a member of the Learned Publishing Editorial Board, and a contributor to the SSP’s blog, The Scholarly Kitchen.

Shelley Allen has 17 years’ experience within academic publishing and joined Emerald Publishing as Head of Open Research on 4th March 2019, having previously worked in mostly editorial roles across a range of disciplines, from the arts and humanities to applied sciences. Her new role has been created to drive change and ensure real impact for the communities Emerald serves. Shelley has a keen interest in open science, particularly exploring ways to translate research for new audiences as well as leveraging the wider impact “Open” can have, including bringing new voices into the research landscape.

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