Each new community will have the flexibility to define their scope, start date, meeting frequency, format, and duration (if time-limited). A private C3 Community will be provided for asynchronous discussion and storing shared resources. Communities may choose to have regularly scheduled meetings, virtually or in person.
A new community can determine if they want to limit the number of members in the group. If a limit is set, the group status will change from Open to Full once the limit is met. Limited participation groups should consider a mechanism for adding new members if existing members drop out.
Community facilitators will receive training resources, including a text-based Facilitator Guide and a webinar (live or pre-recorded) from SSP to ensure successful community interaction and positive group dynamics. We can assist facilitators of new communities in recruiting members through its various communication channels.
During your first meeting, members of the community will determine the group’s scope, agree to meeting and communication logistics, and establish rules of engagement for the community. We will also provide resources to guide the community in this process.
New community suggestions will be reviewed and evaluated by the Community Engagement Committee. Criteria for consideration includes:
- Focus is broad enough to attract a sufficient number of participants.
- Focus is unique and is not already represented in an existing open group.
- Focus does not revolve around specific commercial interests or companies—for example, “Customers of X group” or “X User Group.”
- Focus area is differentiated sufficiently from existing programs (regional events, webinars, mentorship program, member exchange) so as not to take away from their success.
- Focus of proposed discussion is not pricing or collective bargaining.