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06.05.2024 | SSP News & Releases

Ask the Experts Preview | Ask About Generative AI

In a recent Silverchair webinar, Ann Michael (Chief Transformation Officer at AIP Publishing) noted that the thing that differentiates AI from other seismic industry changes is speed. The pace of development of GenAI (generative AI) capabilities, products, and concerns makes it difficult to keep up to date on the most relevant aspects of the scholarly publishing industry.

Whether you’re a publisher, editor, researcher, or any other role in the publishing ecosystem, SSP’s upcoming Ask the Experts webinar on June 12th is designed to illuminate the transformative power of Gen AI and its current opportunities and challenges.

Moderated by Zsolt Silberer (Senior Technology Consultant, Delta Think), the session seeks to demystify GenAI and explore its significant impact on content creation, distribution, and consumption within the scholarly realm. The webinar features a panel of distinguished thought leaders at the forefront of integrating GenAI into the academic publishing world.

Will Schweitzer (CEO, Silverchair) plans to provide a much-needed primer on GenAI, outlining its basic principles, capabilities, and the current state of technology, as well as sharing the primary use cases for our industry in simple, accessible terms.

Katherine Eisenberg, M.D. (Senior Director – Medical, EBSCO Clinical Decision) will reflect on the changes that have occurred in the medical profession as GenAI has been introduced to physicians and end-users.

Finally, Hong Zhou (Director of Intelligent Services Group & Head of AI R&D at Wiley) will illuminate AI’s impacts on workflow, publishing systems, and content enhancement.

The webinar will conclude with an interactive Q&A session, allowing attendees to ask your most pressing questions about Gen AI and its role in scholarly publishing. This is your chance to engage directly with the thought leaders and gain tailored insights for your organization.

Whether you want to enhance your content, streamline your business processes, or understand the emerging trends shaping the research future, this webinar is your gateway to cutting-edge technology and innovation.

Register now and join us for a session that promises to be informative, insightful, and instrumental in guiding you through the dynamic landscape of Generative AI in scholarly publishing.

Ask the Experts: Ask About Generative AI takes place Wednesday, June 12, 11:00 am–12:00 pm ET. Register now.

News contribution by SSP member Stephanie Lovegrove Hansen. Stephanie is the Vice President of Marketing at Silverchair.

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