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04.05.2023 | Member News & Releases

New ChronosHub Submission Interface Helps Publishers Provide Better Author Experience

Copenhagen – ChronosHub, the leading open-access management platform, is excited to announce the launch of its new submission user interface (UI) for publishers. The upgraded interface collects metadata via AI extraction from manuscripts, and verifies, corrects, and enriches the data, thereby solving issues upstream and avoiding unnecessary manual work for publishers later in the process. For authors, the experience is quick, easy, and helpful by including guidance for funder policy compliance, agreement eligibility during submission, and APC quotation.  

De-coupling submissions from peer review 
Publisher customers subscribing to ChronosHub can opt-in to use the platform for their authors’ manuscript submissions. This will provide publishers with better end-to-end tracking opportunities as well as an understanding of the entire author experience and journey. It will not influence the peer review process. ChronosHub will take the manuscript, including key metadata, and transfer this to the publisher’s peer review system via integrations.  

“Data quality is more important than ever. We focus on capturing data early on, so our AI can correct and enrich it as much as possible to avoid errors later on, thereby ensuring authors the best possible experience”, says Founder & Co-CEO, Christian Grubak. 

AI-driven metadata extraction and enrichment 
Publishers can forget about a system where authors need to enter metadata manually. On the new ChronosHub submissions interface, authors upload their manuscripts, and our AI extracts metadata, such as the title and abstract, and all authors’ names, email addresses, ORCIDs, and institutional affiliations. The platform automatically matches the data against known identifiers like Ringgold, ROR, ISNI, Grid, ORCID, FundRef, and OpenAlex and enriches it.  
All that is left for authors to do is to confirm the details, and they’re set. And for publishers, this means more accurate data and less manual correction post-submission.   

Existing features of the ChronosHub platform are included in the new interface, making it possible for authors to check funder policy compliance, agreement eligibility, and, thereby, transparent APC pricing during the submission.  

Want to see what it looks like and how it works? 
If you’re a publisher and are interested in seeing what the new ChronosHub submission interface looks like and how it eliminates manual work for everyone— and in learning how it can be set up, please sign up for our event on Wednesday, May 10 at 10am EST/4pm CEST.   

Romy Beard, Head of Publisher Relations, will give you a quick overview and Christian Grubak, founder & co-CEO, will talk about the technical implementation. 

Sign up here. 

About ChronosHub 
Headquartered in Copenhagen, ChronosHub is an online platform meeting the needs of all stakeholders in the research community: funders, publishers, institutions, and researchers. ChronosHub supports authors to select suitable journals for their manuscript submissions by making funding policies and institutional agreements transparent. ChronosHub streamlines the publishing workflow for publishers, funders, and institutions for effective APC management, funding policy compliance, automated repository deposits, and OA reporting. Learn more at www.chronoshub.io 

Contact: Vivi Billesø  vb@chronoshub.io  Web: https://chronoshub.io/  Twitter: @ChronosHub 

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