Registration is now open for the 2016 IDPF DigiCon @ BEA, scheduled for May 10-11 at Chicago’s McCormick Place. Formerly known as IDPF Digital Book, IDPF DigiCon @ BEA is a two-day, co-located conference focused on all the key issues faced in advancing publishing in an increasingly digital world.
The Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) and the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) are together co-sponsoring an Academic and Professional Publishing track at the conference. A discount is available for SSP members, check the recent SSP RE:member newsletter for additional details.
“By co-sponsoring the academic and professional publishing track at IDPF Digital @BEA, we are providing our members with an opportunity to learn about and even influence forthcoming standards and interoperability protocols that will shape digital publishing for scholarly books and journals in the future,” said SSP Executive Director Melanie Dolechek.
In addition to the co-sponsored track, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, will serve as the keynote speaker at the conference. SSP members Kent Anderson and Rick Anderson will be featured speakers in two plenary sessions, as well.
Registration for the conference is available via the IDPF DigiCon @ BEA website. SSP members can register at the IDPF member rate. IDPF DigiCon @ BEA 2016 is for executives and professionals across the publishing industry including senior leaders, marketers, publishers and editors, educators, school district administrators, librarians, production teams, distributors, and programmers and developers.
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