As part of the SSP OnDemand Library, we are excited to share free presentations featuring the latest products, services, and solutions to current challenges faced by scholarly communications professionals.
Join representatives from Inera and Cabells for a free on-demand webinar! On November 12, 2020, at 11:00 am Eastern / 8:00 am Pacific, Liz Blake of Inera and Kathleen Berryman of Cabells, with assistance from Inera’s Bruce Rosenblum and Sylvia Izzo Hunter, outline a novel collaborative solution to the problem of “citation contamination”—citations to content published in predatory journals with a variety of bad publication practices, such as invented editorial boards and lack of peer review, hiding in plain sight in authors’ bibliographies.
As relevant background reading, we recommend these Scholarly Kitchen posts:
- Citation Contamination: References to Predatory Journals in the Legitimate Scientific Literature
- Fighting Citation Pollution—The Challenge of Detecting Fraudulent Journals in Works Cited
- Cabell’s Predatory Journal Blacklist: An Updated Review
This news contribution was originally published by SSP member, Sylvia Izzo Hunter, of Inera, on October 23, 2020.
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