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10.05.2018 | SSP News & Releases

SSP adopts Coalition for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications’ Joint Statement of Principles

The Coalition for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications (C4DISC) recently released its Statement of Principles. As a founding member, the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) has adopted these principles and we are pleased to be a part of this important initiative. The statement represents a set of goals and defines what we hope to be/achieve as both an association and an industry regarding diversity, inclusion and equity in the workplace. We recognize that we are not there yet and it will take time to develop and implement programs and initiatives to move us closer to that goal.

We are committed to taking steps to address these issues, but acknowledge that there may be financial considerations that may limit our ability to act quickly or at the scale necessary to accelerate the embodiment of these principles at the pace the membership desires.  There are many different dimensions of diversity and the task of prioritizing which areas and accommodations to focus on first will be an ongoing challenge for our leadership, as all are important components of achieving the vison.

As a membership organization, we are a reflection of the values and actions of our members. We encourage our members, their employers, and our supporting and sustaining member organizations to adopt the Statement of Principles as well. The more organizations that choose to embrace the Statement of Principles and take action to make them a reality within their own workplaces, the closer scholarly communications will come to achieving diversity, inclusion, and equity.

SSP will be looking across all of our programs for opportunities to provide an inclusive community while also promoting diversity. In fact, one of our strategic goals is to demonstrate leadership in the effort to expand the diversity of professionals working in scholarly communications and foster a culture of inclusion through awareness, outreach, and striving for diverse representation across all programs. In addition to working with and supporting the activities of C4DISC, SSP’s Diversity and Inclusion Task Force will be leading the way by developing recommended practices, resources and programming; and all of our committees and staff are asked to be mindful of diversity and ensuring inclusive practices in how they go about managing our various existing programs.

On behalf of the SSP Board of Directors and the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force we look forward to working together with our membership and C4DISC to create a diverse and inclusive community. We appreciate your support of this important initiative.

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