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01.31.2024 | SSP News & Releases

Webinar Preview | Fostering Mental Health Awareness and Organizational Support

In a world where nearly 1 billion people grapple with mental health conditions, the urgency of addressing workplace well-being has never been more pronounced. According to the US Surgeon General, a staggering 84% of employees report that workplace factors negatively impact their mental health. The pandemic has only intensified these challenges, with a 25% increase in common conditions like depression and anxiety, as reported by the National Association of Mental Illness (NAMI).

Join us on February 6 as SSP President Randy Townsend moderates the first in a series of free webinars developed by SSP’s Mental Health Task Force titled “Nurturing Minds: Fostering Mental Health Awareness and Organizational Support.” Guest speakers include Lily Garcia Walton, Chief People Officer and General Counsel at Silverchair; Emma Jellen, Associate Director at the Center for Workplace Mental Health; and Shayla Gerity, Program Manager at the Center for Workplace Mental Health at the American Psychiatric Association. The panel will delve into the critical aspects of fostering mental health awareness and organizational support. 

The session is part of the SSP initiative introduced in this Scholarly Kitchen post last fall. This is the. The session will open by addressing the prevalent stigmas surrounding mental health, shedding light on the importance of understanding and dismantling these barriers within the professional sphere. Participants will gain insights into the multifaceted nature of mental health challenges and their impact on well-being and workplace dynamics.

An exploration of organizational resources and strategies will follow, emphasizing the role of employers in creating a supportive ecosystem. The webinar will showcase various initiatives, from employee assistance programs to mental health awareness campaigns, designed to cultivate an inclusive, supportive workplace culture prioritizing mental well-being.

Register now to secure your place in a conversation that promises to shape a more empathetic, supportive, and compassionate scholarly community. Together, let’s nurture minds and pave the way for a healthier and more successful professional landscape.

News contribution by SSP member Juan Fuentes. Juan is an Open Research Relationship Manager at Taylor and Francis.

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