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09.11.2023 | SSP News & Releases

Webinar Preview | Innovate or Fail—The Value of Collaboration for Innovation

Our 2023 webinar series resumes with “Innovate or Fail—The Value of Collaboration for Innovation,” happening Wednesday, September 11 am EDT. Registration for the event remains open, with a discount available for SSP members!

Innovation isn’t hard, but it certainly isn’t easy. Most successful innovators would say that the ability to collaborate can make all the difference between successful innovation and failure to effect any change. For this exciting webinar, we bring together top thinkers and doers—people who have built and fostered creativity and collaboration into innovative advancements.

How do you solve hard problems? How do you move from an idea to a result? How do you build and support a culture of innovation from the bottom up and from the top down? Join us to hear how our panelists have answered these questions.

Whether you are someone who actively innovates as part of your job or you are someone who wants to move your organization toward being more innovative, this webinar will offer valuable ideas, inspiration, and practical applications.


  • Shirley Decker-Lucke, Director of Content, SSRN, Elsevier


  • Monica Granados, Assistant Director, Creative Commons
  • Ashley Postlethwaite, Business Systems Manager, Duke University Press
  • Rich Remington, SVP and Managing Director of Submission Systems, Data Science, and Product Analytics, Elsevier

Webinar speaker Ashley Postlethwaite took the time to answer a few questions about Wednesday’s webinar:

Who is the intended audience for this webinar, and why should they attend?

This session is designed to benefit a wide range of individuals, with a particular focus on those who have a curiosity about initiating innovative change but may be uncertain about how to begin or sustain their projects. The presentation aims to offer valuable insights into the practical aspects of innovation, addressing questions such as: How do you initiate change? What are the keys to achieving success? How do you navigate and overcome obstacles?

Why is this topic important and timely? Is there a particular aspect of this topic that is noteworthy?

Innovation is particularly important and timely, especially in our rapidly evolving industry. As markets continuously shift, customer demands evolve, and the cost of conducting business fluctuates, the ability to identify and implement innovative changes becomes essential for achieving success.

What do the selected speakers bring to the discussion?

The selected speakers bring a diverse range of perspectives on innovative change to the discussion. They cover various levels, from high-level strategic thinking to hands-on, in-the-trenches experiences. This diversity ensures that the session is accessible and valuable to a broader audience. Regardless of your organization’s structure or your role within it, there is something for everyone in this session.

What do you hope attendees will take away from the webinar?

I hope that attendees will leave the session with their questions answered and a greater sense of readiness to address innovation within their organizations. Moreover, I anticipate that the session will inspire ideas and provide concrete steps for those attendees who are prepared to initiate innovative changes in their organizations. Ultimately, my goal is for the session to be both informative and inspiring, leaving participants excited about the possibilities ahead

Click here to register now!

News contribution by SSP member Heather Kotula. Heather is the Vice President of Marketing and Communications at Access Innovations, Inc.

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