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01.18.2018 | Member News & Releases

Middle Eastern Texts Initiative Now Published by Brill

January 18, 2018 – Leiden / Boston / Paderborn / Singapore / Beijing – The Middle Eastern Texts Initiative, previously published by the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship (Brigham Young University), has transferred its publishing activities to Brill, the international scholarly publishing house.

The Middle Eastern Texts Initiative (METI) is a collection of four different series: the Islamic Translation Series, Eastern Christian Texts, the Library of Judeo-Arabic Literature, and the Medical Works of Moses Maimonides. In the last two decades, scholars have published over 35 volumes in these series,  covering editions, translations, and publications of important texts from the golden age of the Middle East, including mystical, theological, philosophical, and medical works by Muslims, Jews, and Christians alike.

“The Middle Eastern Texts Initiative is an exciting project which is run by an impressive group of scholars. Brill is delighted to offer METI a new home,” says Maurits van den Boogert, Senior Acquisitions Editor Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at Brill.

Brill adds METI to its publishing portfolios in Religious Studies and Middle East and Islamic Studies, and it fits well with Brill’s publication activities on the Islamic world. The transfer of METI to Brill allows the Initiative to continue its important work. The first volume published by Brill – Gerrit Bos, On Coitus, a new volume in the Medical Works of Moses Maimonides series – will become available in 2018, as an e-book and in print. Previously published volumes will remain available via BYU’s regular sales channels.

For more information about the transfer contact Mr. Maurits van den Boogert, Sr. Acquisitions Editor at Brill, via boogert@brill.com.

About Brill – Founded in 1683 in Leiden, the Netherlands, Brill is a leading international academic publisher in 20 main subject areas, including Middle East and Islamic Studies, Asian Studies, Classical Studies, History, Biblical and Religious Studies, Language & Linguistics, Education, Biology, and International Law. With offices in Leiden (NL), Boston (US), Paderborn (GER) Singapore (SG) and Beijing (CN), Brill today publishes over 270 journals and close to 1,400 new books and reference works each year, available in both print and electronic form. Brill also markets a large number of primary source research collections and databases. The company’s key customers are academic and research institutions, libraries, and scholars. Brill is a publicly traded company and is listed on Euronext Amsterdam NV. For further information, please visit www.brill.com.

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