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2004 annual meeting


Thursday, June 3, 2004

Fidelity to Purpose: Scholarly Publishing in the Digital Age

  • Carol Meyer, Principal, Maxwell Publishing Consultants
  • Don Hemenway, Electronic Media Manager, American Academy for the Advancement of Science
  • Robert Paulis, Director of Electronic Products, SAGE Publications
  • Eric Pepper, Director of Publications, SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering

Now that online journals are a reality, what should publishers look for in an online host? Customers of the major online journal hosting platforms discuss the services offered, their production processes, performance benchmarks, integrating online production into print processes, deciding between an integrated provider or separate providers, cultural issues, and other critical success factors in managing effective electronic products.

Open Access Business Models and the Future of Scholarly Publishing: Research and Case Studies

  • Dr. John Hoey, Editor, Canadian Medical Association Journal
  • Andrea Horgan, Managing Editor, Specialist Journals, BMJ Publishing Group
  • Christine Lamb, Senior Analyst, Shore Communications

Open access journals provide free access to some or all of their research articles. In this session we will examine the key drivers of the open access movement and hear from publishers who have first-hand experience with open access publishing models. Speakers will present an overview of open access models with strategies for publishers, and representatives from the Canadian Medical Association and the British Medical Journal will review their decisions and results with open access journals, where they are now, and what they see in their crystal ball for the future.

It’s Not Just an STM World: Online Publishing Innovations in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

  • Bill Silberg, Vice President, Communications and Publishing, The Commonwealth Fund
  • Aaron Edlin, Professor of Law and Economics, University of California, Berkeley
  • Janice Kuta, Sr. Vice President, Global Sales and Marketing, Classical International Inc.
  • Aileen McHugh, Director of Electronic Publishing, Johns Hopkins University Press
  • Rebecca Simon, Assistant Director for Journals Publishing, University of California Press

Innovations in online STM publishing have been a topic of detailed discussion at SSP meetings for years, and we’ve learned a great deal about how different publishers are addressing their challenges in this complex market. But scholarly publishing isn’t limited to the STM arena. So what are our colleagues in the social sciences, arts and humanities doing, and what might we learn from them (and they from each other)? This session will bring together several leaders in online publishing in social sciences, history and music for a compelling look at what these diverse scholarly communities are looking for online and how our panelists are helping to meet those needs.

Researching Researchers: What User Studies Tell Us

  • Bill Kasdorf, President, Impressions Book and Journal Services
  • Dr. Carol Tenopir, Professor and Interim Director, Center for Information Studies, School of Information Sciences, College of Communication and Information, University of Tennessee

Carol Tenopir has put a microscope to researchers over the last decade, telling us a great deal about the way they locate, use and value scholarly information in both print and electronic forms and among different disciplines. In this plenary session, Dr. Tenopir will discuss her recent review of hundreds of research studies for a report to the Council on Library and Information Resources, in addition to many of her own user studies (most often with Donald W. King). She will focus on research results that have practical implications. Understanding our users more helps publishers, editors, and librarians better design products and services to meet the needs and preferences of their users.

Searching Proprietary Scholarly Content

  • Péter Jacsó, Professor, Department of Information and Computer Science, University of Hawaii
  • Anurag Archarya, Principal Software Engineer, Google
  • Judy Luther, President, Informed Strategies
  • Ammy Vogtlander, Scirus Project Manager, Elsevier Science

This session explores the current state of online search and discovery tools, as we move beyond the limitation of metadata search and single-publisher search domains. Speakers in this session will discuss the latest developments in search tools for authoritative published content, including multi-publisher search, full-text search, interdisciplinary search, and federated search systems.

Electronic Journal Use, Users, and Usage

  • Michael Mabe, Director, Academic Relations, Elsevier Science
  • Ian Rowlands, CIBER, City University, UK
  • Peter Shepherd, Director, Project COUNTER

This session will provide an overview of current research and understanding of the use of electronic journal literature, standards necessary for log-file analysis, and the emerging picture of patterns of user behavior.

Staying Competitive in an Electronic World: New Business and Licensing Models for Scholarly Publishers

  • Edward Colleran, Director, Publisher Relations, Copyright Clearance Center
  • Cara Kaufman, Partner, Kaufman Wills Group LLC
  • Sally Morris, Chief Executive, Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers

The electronic age has presented both opportunities and challenges for publishers of scholarly material. One challenge which consistently rises to the top is how scholarly publishers can remain competitive while offering convenient access to their content. This session will examine unique licensing models that have allowed publishers to join forces to meet the needs of their constituencies.

Friday, June 4th, 2004

Subject Browsing: The World Is Not Just Search (Data Visualization, Taxonomies, Finding Related Articles, etc.)

  • Richard Newman, Associate Director, HighWire Press, Stanford University
  • Gabriel (Gabe) Alvaro, Information Systems Manager, University of California Press
  • Bonnie Chi-Lum, Online Publisher, American Medical Association
  • Michael Clarke, Senior Managing Editor, Division of Medical Journals and Professional Periodicals, American Academy of Pediatrics
  • Heather Goodell, Manager of Editorial Services, American Heart Association Scientific Publishing
  • Wayne Manos, E-Commerce Director, AIP Publishing Services

For many readers, their total experience and tool set for finding information is a white search box and a linear ranked list of results. This session will explore visualization techniques to organize and display subject domain knowledge. The goal is to move scholars beyond the simple white box and actively assist their quest for information and, ultimately, knowledge. The speakers will discuss data visualization, taxonomies, related article techniques, topic and self-organizing maps, etc.

eBook Distribution Options for Publishers and Libraries: The Host with the Most


As the technology for sale and secure lending of individual eBook titles has become a reality, and as public and academic libraries build eBook collections, a variety of hosting, distribution and licensing options have hit the market. In some cases, the publisher hosts the content and offers access by subscription. In some cases, an eBook aggregator offers for sale the works of many publishers. Some libraries and consortia advocate hosting eBooks themselves. To own or to subscribe? To host or not to host? Join us as we provide a broad overview of the market, then explore these options in detail with a publisher, an eBook aggregator, and a librarian.

University Libraries: The New Players in Scholarly Publishing

  • Eric Van de Velde, Director of Library Information Technology, California Institute of Technology Libraries
  • Maria Bonn, Director, Scholarly Publishing Office, University of Michigan Library
  • Catherine Candee, Director of Scholarly Communication Initiatives, California Digital Library
  • Teresa Ehling, Director of Electronic Publishing, Cornell University Library

This session will highlight the different approaches academic libraries have taken to being content providers in the digital age, ranging from partnering with print publishers to provide an online presence to creating digital institutional repositories. Representatives from California Digital Library, Cornell University Library, and University of Michigan Library will discuss the electronic publishing programs at their respective institutions.

My Favorite Publisher Website(s) – or How To Make Your Site a Winner!



  • Suzanne Calpestri, The John H. Rowe Librarian and Director, The George and Mary Foster Anthropology Library, University of California, Berkeley
  • James Mouw, Acquisitions Librarian, Electronic Resources Officer, The University of Chicago Library
  • Christina Norman, Research Director, EPIC
  • Felicia Poe, Service Design Analyst, California Digital Library – Addendum 1, Addendum 2

Have you ever wondered what bells and whistles your website needs to be a winner? A panel of librarians and researchers speak from the hip about what they like and what they don’t in publisher websites. Their remarks will focus on features and functionalities of the sites with an emphasis on ease of access, searching, web-page design, and the quality of the interface for the retrieval of scholarly information, whether from journals or books.

Digital Preservation and You: What Can You Do Now?

  • Martha Anderson, Project Manager for Digital Initiatives, Office of Strategic Initiatives, Library of Congress
  • Patricia Cruse, Director, Digital Preservation, California Digital Library
  • Eileen Gifford Fenton, Executive Director, Electronic Archiving Initiative, JSTOR
  • John A. Kunze, California Digital Library
  • Vicky Reich, Director, LOCKSS Program, Stanford University Libraries

It is often stated that the preservation of a digital resource begins at the time of its creation. Decisions and actions applied at each phase of the digital resource’s life cycle influence the conditions for its successful preservation. Preservation is not a product but rather a process that involves all who play a role in the creation, distribution, and management of digital content. The panelists will examine the digital preservation roles represented in their programs; discuss the significant preservation relationships between authors, publishers, libraries and archives; and highlight the current challenges to sustaining digital resources. Attendees of the session will be invited to consider the roles they and their organizations play in the life cycle management and preservation of digital content.

Researcher Perspectives on Publishing

  • Robert Simoni, PhD, Deputy Editor, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University
  • Trudy Forte, PhD, Senior Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley
  • Richard Havel, MD, Professor Emeritus and former Director of the Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California, San Francisco

Alternative perspectives on publishing will be given by speakers who are closely involved in the peer review process and are administrators in institutions of research, the font for scientific publishing. Dr. Richard J. Havel will speak from the administrator’s perspective about the effect of publishing on tenure decisions. Dr. Forte will discuss, from the perspective of an Editor-in-Chief, how recent advances in technology have transformed the peer review process, and how that may affect the future of scientific publications. The moderator, Dr. Robert Simoni is an expert who has been at the forefront of technological innovation in scientific publishing.

Publish, Perish, or (Micro) Payments

  • Dr. Kurt Huang, Founder and CEO, BitPass

Open Access Debate: Toward a New Economy of Information Access?

  • Dr. Michael Eisen, Founder, Public Library of Science
  • John Ewing, Executive Director/Publisher, American Mathematical Society
  • Peter Givler, Executive Director, Association of American University Presses
  • David Perlman, Science Editor, The San Francisco Chronicle
  • Bernard Rous, Deputy Director of Publications, Association of Computing Machinery

Panelists will address the question: In the long run, will free and open access to scholarly publications online benefit authors/researchers and the reading public? Don’t miss cogent arguments by scholars, publishers, association executives, and the media about important issues such as the role of peer review; copyright protection for authors and publishers; open repositories and open access journals; and the long-term effects on the publishing industry. Advance your thinking beyond pro or con and take home a new perspective.