2017 SSP 39th Annual Meeting
Concurrent 5B: Learning Linked Data
Linked data is becoming an important tool for accessing and sharing resources. Publishers frequently consider it as an option to leverage their significant content. The challenge is the learning curve necessary to implement Linked Data effectively. Information is obtuse and broadly scattered. It is couched in a different vocabulary and often difficult for novices to learn. This Session will cover early experiences from one effortLinked Data for Professional Education (LD4PE), an initiative to systematize the discovery and learning processes. Exploring Metadata is a developing web-based referatory built in partnership with DCMI that will provide learners with access to hundreds of learning resources aligned to the Linked Data concepts and terminologies, learnable skills, and competencies. At its heart is a competency framework for Linked Data practice that supports indexing the learning resources that LD4PE has gathered from across the Web to specific competencies. Learners are invited to try Exploring Metadata and provide feedback to help improve the tool set.
Moderator: Marjorie Hlava, Access Innovations
Twitter Handle: #mmkhlava
and W3C.
Twitter Handle: #mmkhlava